The Favourite’s Gamble

Having taken a collosal fall from grace, Ezurath has one final bloody trick up his sleeve..
However, his bargaining chip isn’t exactly the key to freedom he expected…

Sentient Beings

A few guards and a sprint across open ground is all that stands between you, and your freedom…

Corporate Castaway

Workplace policies must be adhered to, even in emergency conditions…

On To The Next One

Finalist in Cold Open Stories’ 9th Fast Fiction Competition: “Terrible Things”

The Machine God Calls

“Then God spoke to me. His voice was like distant and distorted radio-chatter. But I understood…”

Hand of Contrition

A squad of young deserters find themselves hunted by an old ally. They’ll have to use every tool at their disposal if they want to survive.

Ravens in the Snow

Two Space Marines in Power armour fight in the snow

Ambushed and isolated. Fury alone won’t be enough against this mysterious creature.